Here is our recipe showing how to make Jubilee Elderflower cordial.
The Elder has just started to flower and now is a great time to collect some of the tiny flowers. Sometimes known as the fairy tree, the Elder is well known for its medicinal qualities, but care must be taken with the bark and leaves which contain cyanide. So don’t let children make whistles or catapults out of the wood. However the berries and flowers are perfectly safe to eat.
Old tales have it that if you sit under the Elder on a summer evening you may catch a glimpse of fairies.
Late May and early June is the best time to collect the tiny flowers. They taste quite sweet and can be used in cordials or even wine.
Here is our cordial recipe:
- 1.7 kilos of white sugar
- 1.5 litres of water
- 3 lemons
- 30 Elderflower heads
Pour the water and sugar into a pan and bring to the boil. Stir to help dissolve the sugar.
Take off the heat and allow to cool to form a syrup.
Get a plastic tub, slice the lemons thinly and place on the bottom of the tub.
Quickly wash the Elder flowers in a sieve and get rid of any that are discoloured. Don’t let the flowers stagnate in the water, if you let the flowers soak they will lose their flavour. Dry using a salad spinner or paper towels.
Sprinkle the flowers over the lemons. Add the citric acid, then drizzle the cold syrup over the whole lot.
Put in a fridge over night.
Strain the mixture through a sieve, then again through a muslin into a jug.
Decant into bottles and store in the fridge.
The cordial can be kept in the fridge for up to three months.
Additional ideas:
Serve with carbonated water as a non alcoholic Champagne.
Or for the adults, mix with vodka and sparkling apple juice. Serve in an iced jug with some of the flowers floating on the surface.

The Elder's leaves are quite distinct
How to recognise an Elder:
Often to be found in hedgerows, Elder grows up to 10 feet tall. The flowers are white and clustered. Leaves are in groups of 5-7 pairs, with a single leaf at the tip. The leaf is serrated along the edge.
If you want to learn more about foraging you may be interested in this item:

Foraging Kit
Foraging Kit
The Mighty Eagle Foraging Kit, is the best way to get you started finding for your own food.
Simple chores like taking the dog out for a walk, can become fine food expeditions. You and your kids can get to chew your way through, blackberries, wild strawberries or Porcine mushrooms. The kit has a fully researched and full colour instruction leaflet, which will get you on your way, and tell you what is in season and when. More Info
Date: June 4, 2012 by Ben R

Here is our recipe showing how to make Jubilee Elderflower cordial.
The Elder has just started to flower and now is a great time to collect some of the tiny flowers. Sometimes known as the fairy tree, the Elder is well known for its medicinal qualities, but care must be taken with the bark and leaves which contain cyanide. So don’t let children make whistles or catapults out of the wood. However the berries and flowers are perfectly safe to eat.
Old tales have it that if you sit under the Elder on a summer evening you may catch a glimpse of fairies.
Late May and early June is the best time to collect the tiny flowers. They taste quite sweet and can be used in cordials or even wine.
Here is our cordial recipe:
- 1.7 kilos of white sugar
- 1.5 litres of water
- 3 lemons
- 30 Elderflower heads
Pour the water and sugar into a pan and bring to the boil. Stir to help dissolve the sugar.
Take off the heat and allow to cool to form a syrup.
Get a plastic tub, slice the lemons thinly and place on the bottom of the tub.
Quickly wash the Elder flowers in a sieve and get rid of any that are discoloured. Don’t let the flowers stagnate in the water, if you let the flowers soak they will lose their flavour. Dry using a salad spinner or paper towels.
Sprinkle the flowers over the lemons. Add the citric acid, then drizzle the cold syrup over the whole lot.
Put in a fridge over night.
Strain the mixture through a sieve, then again through a muslin into a jug.
Decant into bottles and store in the fridge.
The cordial can be kept in the fridge for up to three months.
Additional ideas:
Serve with carbonated water as a non alcoholic Champagne.
Or for the adults, mix with vodka and sparkling apple juice. Serve in an iced jug with some of the flowers floating on the surface.

The Elder's leaves are quite distinct
How to recognise an Elder:
Often to be found in hedgerows, Elder grows up to 10 feet tall. The flowers are white and clustered. Leaves are in groups of 5-7 pairs, with a single leaf at the tip. The leaf is serrated along the edge.
If you want to learn more about foraging you may be interested in this item:

Foraging Kit
Foraging Kit
The Mighty Eagle Foraging Kit, is the best way to get you started finding for your own food.
Simple chores like taking the dog out for a walk, can become fine food expeditions. You and your kids can get to chew your way through, blackberries, wild strawberries or Porcine mushrooms. The kit has a fully researched and full colour instruction leaflet, which will get you on your way, and tell you what is in season and when. More Info
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June 4, 2012 | Summer, Activities, Recipes, Foraging | 1 comment
[…] also have a recipe for Elderflower cordial you might want to […]