The Mighty Eagle

A simple and fun flower for garden foraging is the Sunflower. Most of the Sunflower plant can be eaten. From … [Read more]

Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), was reported in the Independent this morning as being the cause of a child being injured. … [Read more]

Ebay is full of second caravans at this time of year. Some are bargains – others are damp boxes with … [Read more]

How do you create that great wood smell of open fires when you only have a gas BBQ? The answer … [Read more]

A couple of months back I was fly fishing in a small Yorkshire stream. My wife called, so I climbed … [Read more]

Here we show you a step by step guide how to quickly fillet a perch. The secret to doing this … [Read more]

Use the Mighty Eagle Den Kit to make a shelter in your back garden and try a night outside under … [Read more]