How to light a fire – a quick guide

How to light a fire

How to light a fire

The spark is all you need.

REMEMBER Lighting fires is extremely dangerous. Use with care and caution.

Here is a quick guide on how to light fires. The majority of work is in the preparation – do this before lighting!

How to light a fire

Find a safe spot where you are not going to be at risk of setting fire to anything else. Ideally, clear the area of everything that could burn so you are down to soil or rock and make a fire pit.

Then you need to prepare your fuel. That’s the stuff you are going to burn. Collect loads of tinder, like the paper from Silver Birch bark or thistle down. Next, collect different size wood from tiny twigs to the bigger longer burning branches.

Snap them into small sizes – no bigger than the width of your fire pit.

Once you have all your fuel, it is a good idea to sort in to piles of tiny, big, biggest.

Organising your wood for firelighting

Organising your wood for firelighting

Make a small wigwam of tinder and surround with the small kindling. You can also add a few Mighty Eagle Fire Balls from our Firelighting Kit to help the tinder ignite.

Fire lighting tips

Fire lighting tips

Strike your flint or match and place into bottom of the tinder. Once they ignite you can blow on the hot embers to get them roaring. A good technique is to breath out strong, steady and slowly, rather than short fast puffs of air.

Then, once the wigwam has taken start adding the larger kindling slowly then as the fire gets bigger and bigger start adding larger and larger wood until you are ready to burn logs.

There you have it, a roaring fire, ready for Mighty Eagle campfire popping corn, or to toast some marshmallows.

If you want to learn more about fire lighting you may be interested in these items:

The Mighty Eagle Firelighting Kit

The Mighty Eagle Firelighting Kit

Fire Lighting Kit

This kit contains all the things you need to make a fire with and without matches. It also contains a detailed instruction manual for how to light the best campfires, and our popping corn basket More Info

The Mighty Eagle Fire Bow Kit

The Mighty Eagle Fire Bow Kit

Fire Bow Kit

How to light fires the old fashioned way. This kit shows you how to make a fire using the stone age method of a fire-bow. Included are the key wooden elements, detailed instructions and more. More Info

Category: Featured,Fire lighting,Activities

How to light a fire

How to light a fire

The spark is all you need.

REMEMBER Lighting fires is extremely dangerous. Use with care and caution.

Here is a quick guide on how to light fires. The majority of work is in the preparation – do this before lighting!

How to light a fire

Find a safe spot where you are not going to be at risk of setting fire to anything else. Ideally, clear the area of everything that could burn so you are down to soil or rock and make a fire pit.

Then you need to prepare your fuel. That’s the stuff you are going to burn. Collect loads of tinder, like the paper from Silver Birch bark or thistle down. Next, collect different size wood from tiny twigs to the bigger longer burning branches.

Snap them into small sizes – no bigger than the width of your fire pit.

Once you have all your fuel, it is a good idea to sort in to piles of tiny, big, biggest.

Organising your wood for firelighting

Organising your wood for firelighting

Make a small wigwam of tinder and surround with the small kindling. You can also add a few Mighty Eagle Fire Balls from our Firelighting Kit to help the tinder ignite.

Fire lighting tips

Fire lighting tips

Strike your flint or match and place into bottom of the tinder. Once they ignite you can blow on the hot embers to get them roaring. A good technique is to breath out strong, steady and slowly, rather than short fast puffs of air.

Then, once the wigwam has taken start adding the larger kindling slowly then as the fire gets bigger and bigger start adding larger and larger wood until you are ready to burn logs.

There you have it, a roaring fire, ready for Mighty Eagle campfire popping corn, or to toast some marshmallows.

If you want to learn more about fire lighting you may be interested in these items:

The Mighty Eagle Firelighting Kit

The Mighty Eagle Firelighting Kit

Fire Lighting Kit

This kit contains all the things you need to make a fire with and without matches. It also contains a detailed instruction manual for how to light the best campfires, and our popping corn basket More Info

The Mighty Eagle Fire Bow Kit

The Mighty Eagle Fire Bow Kit

Fire Bow Kit

How to light fires the old fashioned way. This kit shows you how to make a fire using the stone age method of a fire-bow. Included are the key wooden elements, detailed instructions and more. More Info

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April 5, 2012 | Featured, Fire lighting, Activities | No comment